
Due to an update in Google Play Games mechanics, there is a change in the auto sign-in process. This may also affect how you can switch between accounts secured with different email addresses. To better explain how this works, we prepared some instructions for you. So let's begin!

When using Google Play Games, you can choose a single default account you automatically connect to when playing any of your games. To do so, you have to log into your Google Play Games account, go to settings and select "Change account for all games". 

Google also offers to option to decide whether you want to use the default account, be asked what account you want to choose, or sign out from the Google Play account altogether. You can individually select a sign-in method for each account from the following:

  1. Use "account" - automatically log into a game with a default account.

  2. Ask each time - save multiple accounts and choose each time what account you want to use to sign in to a game. This option does not delete the default account but rather creates a new default account to save progress for new games.

  3. Sign out.

If you use multiple email for different games, you can also choose to change the default account for each game as you please.


How to Change account for games: 

  1. Open Play games

  • Open the Settings screen from the right corner

  • Scroll down and choose Change account for games 


  • You can add another default account for one game or all games or sign out of all games. Please note that if your account was not secured with an email account, all progress to the game would be lost when changing the setting for the default account for Google Play Games. We advise you to secure your account with an email address before proceeding with any of these changes.